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- mariam
- My love for justice, democracy and poetry made me who I am. Follow me on Twitter all about #feb20 #morocco http://twitter.com/#!/mariammaslouhi
donderdag 31 maart 2011
maandag 28 maart 2011
Houcine S. 36, who set himself on fire Feb21 inTan-Tan died of his injuries yesterday
A day after the beginning of the February 20th protests in Morocco, Houcine Souiyeh, 36 years old, set himself on fire in Tan-Tan.
And Sunday, March 27 at seven o'clock in the morning, Houcine died of his burns.
May he find peace and dignity in the here after..
And Sunday, March 27 at seven o'clock in the morning, Houcine died of his burns.
May he find peace and dignity in the here after..
zondag 20 maart 2011
Summary of events in Morocco March 20
Where to start!! Thousands were on the streets today in Morocco. All over Morocco over 60000 people!
El Jdida
vrijdag 18 maart 2011
Video of New York Times about February 20th Youth Movement
A behind the scene glance of the fight for freedom in Morocco.
donderdag 17 maart 2011
Students in Morocco Defiant!! And ready for #mar20!
This is Hamza. The same Hamza I blogged about a few days ago with the emotional message. And now he is back.. with another message to the world :)
woensdag 16 maart 2011
February 20th Movement video
Morocco is getting ready for the big day on March 20th.
This short video is another campaign video of the Movement in Morocco.
This short video is another campaign video of the Movement in Morocco.
dinsdag 15 maart 2011
maandag 14 maart 2011
Compilation of pictures in a video 13/3/2011 Casablanca, Morocco
This is why Morocco is hitting the streets on Sunday March 20th
The speech of the King was not the reply to his people but sticks and blood were
A girl went out to get some bread and got beaten by police (13/03/2011) In Casablanca, Morocco
This is girl went out to get some bread when the protests were taking place in Casablanca, Morocco. When she saw people getting beaten she ran and tried to hide when policemen in civil clothes cornered her and beaten her.
zondag 13 maart 2011
List of injured protesters March 13th in Casablanca, Morocco
Most of the protesters suffered from fractured bones, hands and legs mostly. One man named Mahdi suffered from a serious injury to the spinal cord.
Also two serious cases, one man is in a coma and one man suffered from a heart attack.
The list continues here...
Also two serious cases, one man is in a coma and one man suffered from a heart attack.
The list continues here...
الحصيلة الأولية لضحايا الهجمة الشرسة اليوم باليضاء
حصيلة أولية للمصابين على إثر أحداث 13 مارس الدامي بالدار البيضاء
مايناهز 110 مصابة و مصاب
هده لائحة بأسماء الصابين إصابات بليغة :
المهدي السحيري : اصابة خطيرة في النخاع الشوكي مع احتمال الشلل
بنيوب محمد : الضرب في احدى العمارات مؤي الى ازمة قلبية
سعيد الشامي : كسور على مستوى العمود الفقري و على مستوى الرجل اليد اليسرى
محمد كرو : اصابة في الركبة و الراس و على مستوى الحوض
مهدي سجامي : الضرب على مستوى الظهر و اليد اليسرى، بالاضافة الى سرقة هاتفه النقال
سعيد ابهراش : منصول الكتف.
علي بنجلون : كسر في الرجل
حسن بوصيري : اصابة بليغة في الرأس
مراد مضفر : كسر على مستوى اليد
عبد العزيز الكرايدي : كسر على مستوى اليد
عبد الرحيم مكتفي : تففك في الاصابع
الشيخ العقدي : اربع غرز في الرأس
صلاح فريد : كسر على مستوى الكتف
بنجمدون أحمد : في حالة غيبوبة .
ياسر شرق : في حالة غيبوبة – اصابات مختلفة
سارة سوجار : اصابة في الظهر و الرجل
عبد الله زعزاع : الضرب في الركبة و الظهر
حسن ضفير : الضرب في الظهر و اليد
مساعد عبد الرحيم : الضرب في الرجل و الراس و الرجل و اليد
منعم اوحتي : الضرب على مستوى الرجل
ادريس الراضي : الرجل و الضرب
برجاني عدنان : الضرب على مستوى الرجل.
علي جوات : الضرب في جميع أنحاء الجسد
زهير لبوليتا : الضرب على مستوى الرجل و الظهر
نجاح منى : الضرب على مستوى الظهر و الرأس
نجاح ياسين : الضرب على مستوى الجسد
احمد مدياني : اصابة على مستوى العين
شتيوي فؤاد : على مستوى اليد ( انتفاخ الأصابع ) و الرجل و الأذن و الأنف
شراق ياسر : مراكش 6 غرز
اصابات مختلفة :
يوسف مرشان - ابراهيم رضوان - عادل يوسفي - محسن لغديسي - واهب كرمدي - عبد الحق صبري - رشيد بوكسيم – محمد هلال.
السنوسي أحمد بزيز : اصابة على مستوى الرجل.
سيتم غدا تشكيل لجنة لجمع الملفات من أجل رفع دعوة قضائية
Sad message from my friend Hamza..
My friend Hamza who was protesting in Casablanca today was asked if he was ok.
He gave this answer...
Quick translation:
'I am not ok, when I just saw them beat the teeth out of a 13 year old child who was saying 'Peaceful Peaceful until we reach freedom'
It's not ok when they stepped with boots on my teacher.
It's not ok When they broke my friend Rahims hand.
It's not ok when they have been beating me and other people until we could not see anymore.
It's not ok when they broke my camera.
It's not ok when they slapped people, broke people and made them bleed'.
لست بخير أختي وقد رأيتهم يكسرون أسنان طفلة 13 عام كانت تنادي بــ:"سلمية سلمية حتى تحقيق الحرية_ بالزواطة
لست بخير أختي وهم شتفوا على أستاذي رشد بأحذيتهم الغليظة
لست بخير أختي وهم كسروا يد صديقي رحيم بزواطاتهم
لست بخير أختي وهم ضربوني وضربوا الناس إلى أن فقدت بصري
لست بخير أختي وهم كسروا كاميرتي التي استلفتها
لست بخير أختي وهم صفعوا الناس وكسروا الناس وأدموا الناس،
لست بخير أختي وهم شتفوا على أستاذي رشد بأحذيتهم الغليظة
لست بخير أختي وهم كسروا يد صديقي رحيم بزواطاتهم
لست بخير أختي وهم ضربوني وضربوا الناس إلى أن فقدت بصري
لست بخير أختي وهم كسروا كاميرتي التي استلفتها
لست بخير أختي وهم صفعوا الناس وكسروا الناس وأدموا الناس،
ختي زينب
لست بخي
لست بخي
Some pictures of injured protesters in Casablanca, Morocco
I think the reply of the King to the protests that have been taking place the last months en weeks was not the seven silly principles that should be changed in the constitution but the brutal crack down today.
Today in Casablanca protesters kept chanting 'Selmiya, selmiya' 'peaceful, peaceful'. But I think the plice officers did not speak arabic.
Over 150 protesters were arrested and double got injured..
Here are some pictures of injured protesters..
woensdag 9 maart 2011
How the King tried to fool us again
The King of Morocco has spoken to his people. I wonder though how many people actually understood what he was saying. Considering 40% of the Moroccans can't read or write but even worse they don’t know what is in the constitution. Personally I didn’t understand too much of what he said.
For the poor, who need change the most, the promises the king made today won’t make a difference.
All this below really doesn’t matter when the King keeps appointing family members and friends as cabinet members and when protesters are being beaten at peaceful protests.
This was speech number two by The King and the speeches only seem to encourage the people to protest. I think the King wanted to play it smart by 'answering the call for change'. The Constitution has thirteen chapters and one of them, 'Monarchy", has 34 articles and the king only wants to change seven? Let's just say I am looking forward to speech number 3 so we can get it over with.
Thanks to Hishaam_G (who made this a lot more clearer) and with his help I made this summary of what the King said:
For the whole speech visit http://lakome.com/politics/78-news-politics/3119-2011-03-09-20-37-09.html
For the whole speech visit http://lakome.com/politics/78-news-politics/3119-2011-03-09-20-37-09.html
“The constitutional recognition of the plurality of Moroccan identity united and rich diversity of its tributaries, and heart which include the Amazigh, the common heritage of all Moroccans without exception.”
“The consolidation of the rule of law and institutions, expanding the scope of individual and collective freedoms and guarantees of their implementation and strengthening the system of human rights in all their dimensions, political economic, social, cultural, environmental and development issues.(…)
2. To guaranty independence of the judiciary/judicial reforms.
“The desire to establish Justice, amongst independent power and strengthen the powers of the Constitutional Council, the aim being to strengthen the rule of the constitution and to consolidate the supremacy of law and equality of all before it.”
3. Separation of powers, strengthening parliament.
“The consolidation of the principle of separation and balance of powers and the deepening of democratization, modernization and rationalization of institutions.” (…)
4. Create mechanisms to strengthen representative role the parties.
“The strengthening of bodies and tools constitutional guidance to citizens, particularly through strengthening the role of political parties in the framework of effective pluralism and the strengthening of the status of the parliamentary opposition and the role of civil society.”
5. Reform of the public service based on accountability.
“The consolidation mechanisms moralization of public life and the need to link the exercise of authority and responsibility or mandate to the imperatives of public control and accountability.”
6. Institutionalization of principles of good governance.
“The constitutional bodies in charge of good governance, human rights and civil liberties.”
Constitution of Morocco, Chapter 2 which is a joke really..
So here is Chapter 2 of the Moroccan constitution but I don't have to add anything only that.. it really needs some serious changes..
Because there is one particular person who has just a little too much power ;)
For the complete constitutions check out this website:
Inspired by Mamfakinch
Inspired by Mamfakinch
Enjoy.. I guess ;)
The King, "Amir Al-Muminin"(Commander of the Faithful), shall be the Supreme Representative of the Nation and the Symbol of the unity thereof. He shall be the guarantor of the perpetuation and the continuity of the State. As Defender of the Faith, He shall ensure the respect for the Constitution. He shall be the Protector of the rights and liberties of the citizens, social groups and organisations. The King shall be the guarantor of the independence of the Nation and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom within all its rightfull boundaries.
Article 22: The King shall be entitled to a Civil List.
Article 23: The person of the King shall be sacred and inviolable.
Article 24: The King shall appoint the Prime Minister. Upon the Prime Minister's recommendation, the King shall appoint the other Cabinet members as he may terminate their services. The King shall terminate the services of the Government either on his own initiative or because of their resignation.
Article 25: The King shall preside over Cabinet meetings.
Article 26: The King shall promulgate a definitively adopted law within the thirty days following its receipt by the Government.
Article 27: The King may dissolve the two Houses of Parliament or one thereof by Royal Decree, in accordance with the conditions prescribed in Articles 71 and 73.
Article 28: The King shall have the right to deliver addresses to the Nation and to the Parliament. The messages shall be read out before both Houses and shall not be subject to any debate.
Article 29: The King shall, by Royal Decrees, exercise the statutory powers explicitly conferred upon him by the Constitution. Royal Decrees shall be countersigned by the Prime Minister, with the exception of those provided for in Articles 21 (Paragraph 2), 24 (paragraphs 1, 3 and 4), 35, 69,71, 79, 84, 91, 99 and 105.
Article 30: The King shall be the Commander-in-chief of the Royal Armed Forces. He shall make civil and military appointments and shall reserve the right to delegate such a power.
Article 31: The King shall accredit ambassadors to foreign nations and international organisations. Ambassadors or representatives of international organisations shall be accredited to him. The King shall sign and ratify treaties. However, treaties committing State finances shall not be ratified without having been approved under the law. Treaties likely to affect the constitutional provisions shall be approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed for the modification of the Constitution.
Article 32: The King shall preside over the Supreme Council of the Magistracy, the Supreme Council of Education and the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction and Planning.
Article 33: The King shall appoint magistrates in accordance with the conditions prescribed in Article 84.
Article 34: The King shall exercise the right of granting pardon.
Article 35: Should the integrity of the national territory ever be under threat or should any event interrupt the course of action of the constitutional institutions, the King shall, after consulting with the President of the House of Representatives and the president of the House of Counsellors as well as the Chairman of the Constitutional Council, and addressing the Nation, have the right to declare a State of Emergency by Royal Decree. Notwithstanding all contrary provisions, he shall hence assume the responsibility of taking all the necessary measures for the country's defence and the restoration of a normal functioning of constitutional institutions and State affairs. The State of Emergency shall not entail the dissolution of the Parliament. The State of Emergency shall be terminated according to the same procedure followed in the proclamation thereof.
maandag 7 maart 2011
zondag 6 maart 2011
Today has been a big day for the #feb20 youth. All over Morocco thousands have taken on the streets to protest. Rabat, Casablanca, Asfi, Essaouira, Tanger, Beni Mellal, Oujda and Mohamedia are just a few. They were peaceful protests and well organised by the #feb20 movement. Only in Rabat protesters were attacked by police dogs and in particular our comrade Osama Khulaifi.
Morocco wants change...and change is what it will get!
Here is some footage of the protests of March 6th in Morocco shot by protesters.
Morocco wants change...and change is what it will get!
Here is some footage of the protests of March 6th in Morocco shot by protesters.
I chant in Oujda they re saying: "The parlement of Morocco" and answer "Zero!"
Benni Mellal
zaterdag 5 maart 2011
Pictures of police outside of University in Agadir, #morocco
These are some pictures taken from an University in Agadir a few days ago. A student send me these pictures of white police vehicles standing outside the University. Keeping an eye on the students. The students in Agadir have suffered a lot these last weeks. Last week more than 50 students got injured while protesting. And police is very suspicious of the younger people.
In Casablanca a friend told me that police forces are preventing them from gathering at Universities. But students are defiant and keep gathering, discussing the constitution and what needs to be done for real change. Here are some pictures from last week taken at an University in Casablanca.
This Sunday the #feb20 youth is taking on the streets demanding democracy and an end to corruption!
( I don't want to mention the Universities or students for their safety)
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University in Agadir |
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University in Agadir |
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University in Agadir |
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University in Casablanca |
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University in Casablanca |
University in Agadir
donderdag 3 maart 2011
WikiLeaks cables accuse Moroccan royals of corruption
Well I don t need to add anything to it..
The Guardian about corruption..
woensdag 2 maart 2011
In Fez, Morocco 5 students got 3-4 year jail sentence #feb20
In Fez, Morocco 5 students got a 3-4 year jail sentence. #feb20
On the charges of:
"participating in an unauthorized demonstration and theft and destruction of property and disruption of the public order"
A group students who study at the University of Fez issued a statement saying that:
"The detainees were subjected to torture inside police stations, where they were prevented from eating and drinking"
Approximately another 9 students are currently held by the police in Fez.
On the charges of:
"participating in an unauthorized demonstration and theft and destruction of property and disruption of the public order"
A group students who study at the University of Fez issued a statement saying that:
"The detainees were subjected to torture inside police stations, where they were prevented from eating and drinking"
Approximately another 9 students are currently held by the police in Fez.
Burning Picture Hosni Benslimane in Berkan, Morocco
This is a video made in Berkane, Morocco. It is a pro-democracy demonstration and they're burning Hosni Benslimane's picture.
While watching this I was proud of the young men burning a picture of a very dangerous and powerful man in Morocco. I also felt joy; this is a major step in breaking free and crossing a significant line. Compare the burning of this picture to burning a picture of the right hand of Mubarak. I would like to add that I also got a little impatient because I just wanted that picture to BURN!
He is the head of the Moroccan Royal Gendarmerie. You can split the Gendarmerie in two segments : one segment covers public security and maintaining order, and we all know how 'Public security and order' is interpreted in Morocco. You don't know? Think sticks,bullets and jails.
Type in 'gendarme maroc' on youtube and you will see it for yourself. Video's of policemen taking bribes, clashes with unarmed citizens and beatings of peaceful protesters.
The second segment contains the Makhzen; the elite, security service bosses, tribal leaders, and top-ranking military personnel. The old guard of advisors, dignitaries and generals who became so powerful under Hassan II remain at the currents king side. They have one thing in common: corruption. And Benslimane is a big one .
Type in 'gendarme maroc' on youtube and you will see it for yourself. Video's of policemen taking bribes, clashes with unarmed citizens and beatings of peaceful protesters.
The second segment contains the Makhzen; the elite, security service bosses, tribal leaders, and top-ranking military personnel. The old guard of advisors, dignitaries and generals who became so powerful under Hassan II remain at the currents king side. They have one thing in common: corruption. And Benslimane is a big one .
The Moroccan association for Human Rights officially accused Benslimane of torture. Moreover France had issued the following warrant:
In 2006 France has issued international arrest warrants for four Moroccans over the 1965 abduction of a high-profile opponent to Morocco's then King Hassan II, an event that has embarrassed the two nations for four decades. The head of Morocco's Royal Gendarmerie and a former intelligence chief are among the suspects being sought.
Mehdi ben Barka, a hero for the international left, was kidnapped in
broad daylight in front of the smart Lipp restaurant in the heart of
Paris and his fate remains unknown. French investigators believe he was
tortured and killed. (Reuters,2006)
Hosni Benslimane had everything to be succesfull on his side. His grandfather was from a prominent family from Fez, and foreign minister under Moulay Hafid, his uncle was Ambassador and member of the Council of Regency in 1955. His mother is none other than Hiba Khatib, Dr. Abdelkrim Khatib's sister, several times minister and founder of the current Justice and Development Party. In short, he comes from a wealthy family with close ties to the king.(TelQuel, 2009)
(See the shortened bio at the end of this article)
(See the shortened bio at the end of this article)
After the failed coup in 1972 against the late King Hassan II, Benslimane was promoted to commander of the Gendarmerie. His first task was the file managment ofTazmamart prison where the coup leaders were held under the ground. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tazmamart
Communication with the prison was held by one of his guys: Commander Faddoul.(TelQuel,2009)
I think I have given all the reasons why I was experiencing a feeling of euphoria when I saw his picture burning. He is the perfect example of the 'el qam3' or 'opression. This Hosni has imprisoned, tortured, killed and oppressed the Moroccan people for decades.
He is one of the first figures in Morocco which we need to get rid off. Just like the Egyptian Hosni, this Moroccan Hosni has to GO.
Communication with the prison was held by one of his guys: Commander Faddoul.(TelQuel,2009)
I think I have given all the reasons why I was experiencing a feeling of euphoria when I saw his picture burning. He is the perfect example of the 'el qam3' or 'opression. This Hosni has imprisoned, tortured, killed and oppressed the Moroccan people for decades.
He is one of the first figures in Morocco which we need to get rid off. Just like the Egyptian Hosni, this Moroccan Hosni has to GO.
Bio 1935. Born in El Jadida. 1957. Winner of the Mohammed V promoted the Royal Armed Forces (FAR). 1958. Goalkeeper then deputy president of the FAR team. 1959. High Commissioner for Youth and Sports. 1964. Commandant of the Auxiliary Forces. 1966. Commander of the Mobile Intervention. 1968. Director of the Directorate General of National Security. 1971. Governor of Tangiers. 1972. Governor of Kenitra. 1973. Commander of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 1992. Major General. 1993. Chairman of the National Olympic Committee. 1994. President of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation. 2003. General corps. |
By Mariam El Maslouhi
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